Monday, June 18, 2007

A long hiatus

No this is not a post about hernias (for those doctors out there who associate hiatus with to the body)
Well it's been a long time in between drinks hasnt it?
Was asked the other day why I hadn't been blogging. Not really sure how to answer that one.
Partly I've been busy and haven't had spare time to compose my thoughts. Partly I've been devoid of anythign profound to say. Partly I've been emotionally drained and not felt like posting anything (sometimes silence is a form of communication?)
But I'm back now and Jimbo v2.0 is now up and running (powered by Intel Core Duo processors)
So a quick summary of whats happened since my last post:
1) Geris Rehab rocked! Having a ward to myself was so refeshing (rather than covering 4 wards with outlying patients) got to know the ward clerk, nurses, physios, OTs and social workers and by the end was really sad to leave. So they bought me a cake to say goodbye and gave me a card. I'll miss their antics and chatting with the neuropsychologist about life's woes. My consultant was really good at her job and I actually learnt a lot more about good patient care from her which I'll hopefully not forget too quickly. My reg started to get used ot me by the end and would finish ward rounds early if he saw I was getting frustrated with hearing about old people's bowel habits.

2) Got hooked on Chaser. This show is one of the highlights of the week as the crazy boys from the ABC tear down every cultural cliche in Australia and attack politicians. It makes me laugh till my sides hurt and at the end of each episode I find myself longing for more.

3) Guy-Love ("There's nothing gay about it in our eyes") Been catching up with lots of the guys and realising the commonality of all life's problems. There's been much frustration and angst and consumption of steak/beer and anything else that bonds guys in mateship and tribulation.

4) Dad's getting worse. Buying turf in a drought. Going up to randoms in restaurants and talking to them. Wetting himself at church and refusing to change his coiled clothing. Week by week he slips further and further. Mum gets worn more and more. Although it sounds horrible, I am praying for a fast resolution to this.

There's tonnes of other stuff but right now I'll leave it as a brief summary and go on to write about my holidays!

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