Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 1 - Tranquility

Back in late last year when we had to put in our preferences for annual leave my mate B and I decided to apply to get 2 weeks off in the middle of the year to go on holidays together. Initially we were thinking about a trip to Vietnam but due to unforseen circumstances (ie a wedding smack bang in the middle) we ended up doing a 2 week split and spending one week on the Gold Coast and 1 week in Hong Kong.

So after leaving the cosy Geri's Rehab ward, I packed my bags with some clothes and books and we hopped on the plane to take us away. We hit the tarmac in Queensland and already the tension and worries of life were fading away. It'd been a rough month but the beach beckoned like a Siren calling us to forget reality and come to her.

We stayed at the same place I used last year on my week off. The backpacker's was a great cheap option cos not only was it cheap, but it was 50 metres from the main bit of Sufer's Paradise beach.

The average day included a breakfast of either a) bacon and eggs or b) a Boost juice which was subsequently followed by a leisurely stroll to the beach where we woudl unfurl our towels and bask in the sun reading books, listening to music and talking about the deep things of life. After a late lunch (and each meal had to be eaten at a different restaurant (no doubling up was allowed!) we would walk 4 km north (or south) then turn around and walk 4km back, casually discussing a range of topics. We would then scour the streets for a suitable establishment to eat at (including one candlelit dinner) and then retire to our room to watch TV and read.

We alternated this with the occasional swim, ten pin bowling, movie outing or shopping expedition which became more frequent as the weather turned sour. The average amount of sleep ranged from 10-12 hours per day.

Friends asked "Why didst thou not attendeth the nearby Themed Parks?" to which we replied "That be not the reason for which we traversed" They would again lament "Couldst thou not have done unto all these things in Sydney and needeth not to go unto Queensland to undertake this?" and we would answer "That be not the point"

The purpose of that first week was to relax. To not be in contactable range of commitments in Sydney. To have nothing to do except eat drink and be merry* To read good books** and lose myself in the music of my iPod. To breath deeply and smell the roses***

Tranquility. Peace. Relaxation. Rest.
We are made to rest. Our bodies need to shutdown every day to recuperate and repair. Our work is interuppted every week to have a weekend of 'not working'. Rest is as fundamental to the human condition as work and tribulation are.

Time to gain energy (physical, mental and emotional) Time to enjoy the good things in life. Time to reflect and realign life.

I came back having thought about everything, done very little and gained much.

* For tomorrow we die
** Including lots of THE Good Book
*** Okay that's goin a bit too far and is pretty tacky? Haha

1 comment:

jz said...

in reply to "*"
yes! finally! someone who doesn't forget the possibly depressing (depends... )but very important part of that quote!!!definitely changes your perspective on life.. even if one is called morbid.

ps welcome back to blog land.